Thursday, March 27, 2014

Checking My Envy

So obviously I Crossfit, since that's most of what my limited blogs are about you should have figured that out by now.  I have found a great Crossfit box home here in CT and thank my lucky starts for them every day. While I typically go the morning WOD during the week I will randomly show up in the evenings and have been there the last few Saturdays for the Open workouts (more coming on that in the next blog) so I've gotten to see and work out with a good variety of the members.

I caught myself the other day thinking oh I want to be like so and so, or I wish I could do what so and so does.  In all honesty, I work out with a bunch of beasts (Crossfit talk for really amazing  and strong people), who come from all walks of life and who run the spectrum in age.  As I think of people I admire at CF 203 I think of this woman who's a mother of two and is just consistently performing at a high level and is on our Open leader board week after week and I think...I want to be like her.  Then I think of someone else who just makes toes to bar (and everything else I feel) look like the easiest thing in the world (it's not)..and go can I be like her instead?!

I caught myself having those thoughts more in the past week as I watch these AMAZING women but then caught myself and had to re-frame my thinking.  While I may not be the best Crossfitter in the world, I'm getting better and stronger every day, week and month I do it.  I  really shouldn't want to be someone else and really don't, I should be am happy with myself and what that looks like even if its a work in progress. It's great that I have these women to admire at the box but I sometimes have to have that check yourself minute and remind myself of my strengths.  While I can't do toes to bar...yet...I can dead lift 265 lbs, which as one of my friends told me she's not even close to doing!

Thanks to Mindy for these great photos!

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