Monday, April 30, 2012

Clean Closet

I love the feeling of having a clean closet and dressers!  It wasn't that painful and I think I was pretty honest with what to keep and get rid of.  So two bags of clothes and 5 pairs of shoes later I have officially gone through my clothes. I have realized that I wear my shoes to death, the ones that got thrown away were falling apart.


I also used a little trick I saw on pinterest, turn your hangers the opposite way of normal and then as you wear things turn them around. At the end of six months any hanger that hasn't been turned is clothes that should be gotten rid of. 

So as I mentioned in my last post, I don't have a TON of clothes.  Honestly I think it's because I dislike shopping right now.  As I'm embarking on this journey, I'm starting to lose weight and right now I have clothes that fit, but not JUST RIGHT.  So I did start a box of a few things that fall into that category. I'm giving myself another month or two and then we'll try them on again. if I don't like then, they are going to goodwill. So glad that this is a big check mark off the list!

Stay tuned as I am sure there will be entertaining post early next week as I head to St. Louis to celebrate my friend Erika's wedding with Neil.  Our adventures are always a good time, and this is sure to be nothing less!

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