This week I've struggled at Crossfit and it's frustrating. This sign hangs at the door of Crossfit 1st Due when you walk in and I've had to be reminded of it a couple of times.
There have been a couple of times this year that I have had to check myself. I've had back issues recently which means that I have had to scale workouts or change out movements all together (which in my head reads: failure). While I know that's not the case it's been hard.
Then this week happened. Monday was a fairly simple WOD (workout of the day), some static holds....followed up by 1000 jump ropes. sounds easy right? Well the first 100+ were and then it went downhill. Ultimately I gave up at 500+ and yes I use the word give up because I was SO frustrated that it wasn't worth the stress and anger that it was creating internally.
Fast forward to Wednesday...I was SUPER excited about the WOD for some reason. Over head squats and burpee box jumps (google them), but then it started. I felt (even today as I reflect) that I did not perform to my full ability. I had to drop weight on the squats because I almost dropped the bar on my head a couple of times. I know I can do a higher weight in OHS (because I have before) but for some reason I just couldn't that night. I've been told it was just a bad night and let it go, my brother even said that OHS are humbling and welcome to CF.
I keep playing in my head over and over what went wrong and is there a way to fix it, was I protecting my back, am I getting weaker, was it just a bad night, was it all mental??? All of these things ran through my head. I took a break last night and
I guess I just have to keep making the jump.
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