Friday, January 20, 2012

Celebrating Small Wins

So my day job is being a fraternity/sorority advisor at a university.  I love my job (most days) but this means that January for me is ridiculously busy.  Well right now I am in the middle of that craziness.  I worked last weekend with our councils and presidents and tonight begins sorority recruitment.  Recruitment means little time at home, LOTS of time in my office/on campus and no normal routine. 

Today I am trying to celebrate the small wins from the week.  I weigh in on Fridays and tracked an additional 1.6 lbs lost, but on the flip side I've only made it to the gym once.  So while I try to celebrate the win of another pound gone, I am internally beating myself for not working out more.  I'm hopeful that I can sneak away for a quick run tomorrow when I get recruitment started, but realistically know that I will be working off 5 hours of sleep max and I'm not a person who likes less than 8! I also know how much better I feel when I do get that workout in!  Any suggestions on how to stay motivated and not let the gym be the first thing that goes during the busy times?

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