Sunday, January 8, 2012

So hard....

I feel like for most some people starting a blog would be the easiest part of this list.  For more it's probably one of the hardest.  I'm not someone who easily shares things about herself and it probably didn't help that over the holidays one of my friends actively discouraged my doing this unless I protected the blog so you had to get approved to read it.  Well my internal dialogue said that was against the point of this. I want to be open and honest about this journey and I figure to do that I need to do this.

As the New Year began I stopped and reflected as I saw people commenting about resolutions and how most people fail in keeping them.  Good thing I don't consider these resolutions, but more like goals, or in my life a to-do list, a rather long to-do list, but one nonetheless.  Once my holiday travels were over I jumped right in and began to tackle the first thing on my list, losing weight.  This task also became very real for me this week when I went to the doctor.  The doctor confirmed for me the thing I was expecting, that my cholesterol is high.  I don't mean just a little high, I mean high enough that I have a year to try and bring it down with diet and exercise or face going on medication.  While high cholesterol runs in my family (I've started writing down my history so I know this), I never expected to be faced with it this soon.  While it threw me for more of a loop than I expected I am also using it as another piece of motivation.

At the end of week one of watching my eating habits (I refuse to call it a diet, because it's not) I am down 1.4 lbs.  I also made it to the gym twice last week to log just over 8 miles. I need to get on that one I guess.  Time to go create my workout plan for the week.

1 comment:

  1. I love it! Sometimes the best way to achieve a goal is to tell people about it. I look forward to following you and watching you cross things off your list!
